Although vanilla cultivation in Guadeloupe declined significantly during the 20th century, Cédric Coutellier is one of the driving producers, carrying the dynamic of reviving the heritage cultivation of vanilla, actively involved in agricultural development. and rural areas of Guadeloupe.
Cédric Coutellier, creator of Vanigwa, settled on the island in 1998 and launched his vanilla production in 2008, working in partnership with the National Forestry Office (ONF). Passionate about agro-forestry, he has perfectly assimilated the techniques of cultivation, fertilization, harvesting and refining of vanilla. He has gradually forged a recognized place among the experts of this heritage culture in Guadeloupe and regularly participates in training activities for the transmission of the know-how inherent in this subtle culture.
Cédric Coutellier offers 100% organic vanilla, sold in black pods, transformed by scarification with maturing for approximately 9 months. This traditional technique called “scratching”, practiced exclusively by Guadeloupean producers, allows all the flavor strength of this vanilla to be preserved, distinguishing it from vanillas from the Indian Ocean.
The consecration of this recognition came in 2020 at the International Agricultural Show. On this occasion, Cédric Coutellier presented for the first time his organic vanilla grown in agroforestry in the Guadeloupe National Park during the 129th edition of the Concours général agricole and unanimously won the gold medal in his category ( Vanilla Fragans planifolia)

Values and missions
Committed alongside the ONF, Cédric Coutellier defends tropical agroforestry by demonstrating that agriculture can be integrated into pre-existing ecosystems without degrading the natural functioning of the forest. This agriculture positions the AB label in another dimension where no addition of external organic matter is tolerated: the farmer must find natural solutions within the forest he farms. Vanigwa is part of the association of agroforestry producers in Guadeloupe, APAGwa. This way of farming is a new vision of agriculture, it allows us to revalorize local landscapes, forests and the biodiversity they shelter. This dual agroforestry/organic farming label guarantees, among other things, consumers the purchase of a high quality product, both from a taste and environmental point of view.

The Organic Agriculture label (AB)
a quality label French based on the ban on the use of products from synthetic chemistry. It makes it possible to identify products fromOrganic Agriculture.
The National Forestry Office (ONF)
a public establishment of an industrial and commercial nature French responsible for the management of forestspublic, placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food as well as Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition.
The Esprit national park brand
a brandwhich highlights products and services imagined and created by men and women who are committed to the preservation and promotion of exceptional territories of national parks.
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nos produits au Salon de l'Agriculture

Fleurs de Vanille

Nos produits

Cedric dans sa Forêt

un jeune plant de Vanille qui grimpe

Fleurs de Vanille

Vanille Pompona ( dit "Vanillon" ) plus imposantes et larges que la planifolia

Gousse de vanille givrée, due a la cristallisation de la vanilline

Gousses vertes sur pied

aperçu des plants en Forêt

Vanille Noire planifolia en fin d'affinage